Tuesday, July 27, 2010

making decisions

talked to my daughter's boyfriend last night about making decisions and sticking to them.  Being true to yourself, respecting yourself enough to stick to you decisions in the midst of familiar disfunctional behavior; not compromising oneself to go with the flow.  Now, I don't smoke any longer.   I've made that decision.  I don't get drunk because I know it's disfunctional and I feel like crap later.  I've come to that decision.  I go to church each Sunday because I made that decision to live a more upright life.  These are just some of the decisions that I've made in my life that have truly benefited me and improved the quality of my life. 

Where am I going with this?  I haven't truly made the decision in my heart to stop eating disfunctionally yet.  I know I need to in order to improve my quality of life.  And I am making strides.  It's seductive just like alcohol and drugs are.  Just once more...
I have the added difficulty that I have to eat to stay alive;  I can't just quit like alcohol or drugs.  So, I have to learn to put food into perspective; make the decisions what are good, functional foods and what must be avoided; forever.  Forever is a long long time to forego potato chips, cheesecake, and icecream.  Is it reasonable?  Will I ever be able to eat those kinds of food and not slip back into bad behaviors?  I don't know.  I do know, like addicts, I must take one day at a time.  I stopped smoking that way.  I just put them away and decided if I ever really needed one, I could have one.  I just never really needed one bad enough to go back on my promise to my daughter.
Can I promise myself to eat functionally and not go back on that promise?  Yes.  Of course I can.  I just have to remember that promise when my friends/family/situations encourage me to do otherwise.  Good food is a gift.  Desserts are not evil.  Perspective is the word for the day. 

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