Monday, August 2, 2010

Eat Real Food

Today I want to begin an Eat Real Food Challenge to myself for one month.  This is a difficult thing to do as I am in town often and often during meal times.  I am also at Fair for 10 days this month with a lot of fair foods tempting me to the once per year imbibing.  Yet, for my health and well-being, I shall prevail.  I'm sure there is real food out there. 
Taking time to think about what is real food is the real challenge.  Being rested enough to think is another challenge. 
Realistically, I mostly eat real food; I just eat a lot of it and I do add ingredients like sugar and white flour.  I usually make my own bread, my own chinese food, mexican food, italian food, polish food, etc. etc.  But I do love a mocha frappacino from Starbucks.
So, nevermind.  But I want to challenge myself on something food related.  to eat more healthy?  hmmm,  i do eat pretty healthy.  to eat more veggies?  Yea.  I can get behind that.  to eat less sugar?  not so much in my diet except for adding it to sauces and of course deep dark chocolate.  But; I can add, no desserts not made with fruit?  And white flour.  sigh.  I do love homemade bread.  And I make great bread.  I will grind some wheat berries and make myself some wheat bread or sourdough rye.  My heathen family will continue to eat the white bread. 
Portion control!  there's a challenge if I've ever made one. 
so:  my challenge for August;
portion control
nix to white sugar and
white flour
more veggies

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