Monday, March 15, 2010

who's doing the talking?

I got the thought this morning that the actions I take to discipline myself, i.e., not eating junk food, walking, laying off computer/tv, praying more, taking my herbs, learning my herbs, cleaning, gardening, are actually essential not to me but to the universe.  The energy I radiate, negative or positive directly affect those in my circle. 
True?  I don't know.  sounds a little hokey but it also sounds reasonable.  God makes us responsible for each other; he also uses our prayers to help others.  these disciplines are prayers.  serious prayers.  They are driven by a need to be a better human being.  It's a visible sign of love and respect. 
So, when I abstain from eating potato chips for breakfast, I'm bringing strength to the man down the street who's drinking is threatening his marriage.  This is a little (way) more serious than just trying to lose weight. 

So, my question is, am I making this up or is it you, Lord, who are speaking these words to me?

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